The real dangers of feeding a mainly dry food diet


Kibble, otherwise known as “dry food’ is the most commonly fed cat and dog food in North America. Sadly, many consumers fall prey to marketing schemes and cleverly worded labels. Sadly, most of the cat and dog food companies that are advertised have little to no interest in your animal’s well-being and are only interested in profit.

DID YOU KNOW that “more expensive” doesn”t always mean “better quality”? In North America, allopathic veterinarians will most often recommend certain brands of cat and dog food. Did you know that these very same cat and dog food companies CREATE the veterinary university curriculum? These food companies FUND the North American veterinary universities. This means that these companies create the veterinary textbooks and curriculum. Because they do this, they have the ability to create whatever information the prospective veterinarians learn in university. They have the ability to teach their students that their brands are the healthiest and foremost brands to feed companion animals. However, when we examine the ingredients of these veterinary recommended brands we will see that they are mostly dry foods with the primary ingredient listed as CORN. Corn is not an appropriate main food source for any living being. The first ingredient itself is a filler. Corn in cat and dog food is not a protien source. It causes diarrhea, inflammatory diseases and an overall digestive system malfunction. The protein source, which is the most crucial aspect of cat and dog food, is maybe five ingredients down the list and listed as “by-product” which vets will argue is mostly organ meat. There is much controversy regarding the allopathic view that its “organ meat” versus the holistic view which understands by-products to refer to chicken beaks, feathers, pig hooves and other insoluble ingredients that result from the processing of the meat. I encourage you to do your research and you decide whether you want to blindly believe someone who has been taught from a school system that has been funded by these cat and dog food companies, whose textbooks and learning materials have been created by these companies in order to push their products.

Did you know that feeding your cats and dogs a mainly kibble (dry food) can be hazardous to their health? The side effects of a kibble based diet are plenty and they can be disastrous to your animal’s well being and quality of life.

Most dry foods claim to have “natural flavour”. But what does that really mean? Believe it or not, “natural flavour” means spray on flavour. These food companies have machines in their manufacturing plants that spray on the taste of their dry foods. As its processed from what whatever dregs of meat and fish into the dry kibble you buy, all flavour and most nutrients are lost during the processing and reprocessing. As the meat is cooked and then dehydrated, the healthy parts of the food are processed out of the food. Each time the meat changes form (raw meat to cooked, cooked to dehydrated), the nutrients are burned away and the remnants of food are left with very little healthy components. The flavour the food as is sprayed on with chemicals. These chemicals are cleverly disguised on the ingredients list as forms of harnful salt, inflammatory substances and “natural flavor”. There is, at this time, no regulation as to what companies can call “natural” on an ingredients list. Be mindful that just because your cat and dog foods say “natural flavor” does not mean that it’s derived from a natural food source. It’s a clever way for them to market sprayed on flavor to make consumers believe that they’re making a healthy choices.

It’s also important, as consumers to understand exactly onto what they spray these chemicals. If you are not paying attention to the ingredients you’re purchasing for your companion animals, you may be interested to know that many of these cat and dog dry food products contain HUMAN GRADE CEREAL. Yes, common brand use cereals such as Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes as fillers in dry food. As surprising as that may be, these fillers can be very dangerous to our cats and dogs. Animals are not wired to digest human cereal. For example, cats CAN NOT DIGEST GRAINS. Cats lack the digestive enzyme known as ‘amylase’ that is responsible for the breakdown of grains. This means they their digestive system are intolerant to grains such as cereals, oats, rice etc. When their do eat these grains, especially daily, they can easily become obese. Because cats can’t digest grains, when they eat them regularly and are intolerant, this messes with their insulin levels. This is why felines diabetes is so prevalent. Cats MUST eat a COMPLETELY GRAIN FREE DIET. Kibble is deadly for cats when its not grain free. If you are feeding your cats any grains such as brown rice, oats, barley, wheat, wheat germ or any other grain you will want to cease immediately and research the effects that eating grains have on cats.

Do you feed your dogs and cats a kibble that calls itself “Meow Mix” or “Kibbles n Bits?”, “Dog/Puppy/Cat Chow”? If your cat or dog food ends with “chow” and yoi care about your cat or dog’s health (and if you don’t, please give them to someone who can take proper care of them!), you will take the time to read just how toxic the ingredients are. These kibble based foods are inexpensive because they’re full of carcinogenic fillers, non-specified sources of meat- companies do this to mask what they’re actually putting on the food. They will not specify what type of meat it is because it’s socially unacceptable. For example, many of these lower grade kibbles use horse meat and euthanized cats and dogs. There was a battery of studies done in 2018 as a result of PENTOBARBITAL that was found in lower grade dog foods. PENTOBARBITAL is the euthanasia drug that veterinarians use to put cats, dogs and horses to sleep. People were buying these dog foods and their dogs were dying. An investigation was done at these production factories and the results were that this euthanasia drug was what was killing the dogs who consumed the dig food. Companies that were the subject of the investigation were Ol’ Roy snd Gravy Train. These are only the ones who were tested. There are dozens of other lower grade foods on the market that use unspecified meat and fish sources in their foods to cover up what’s actually in there.

Many lower grade cat and dog foods contain dangerous dyes. They are used to lire the consumer in due to their “fun” colours. However, in addition to their complete lack of nutrition, they are quite harmful to our animals. Blue 2, red 40, yellow 5 &6 are common ingredients in lower grade kibble. They are known to cause allergies, behavior problems and have been repeatedly linked to cancer. Caramel colour is a known carcinogen and can cause cancer.

For both dogs and cats, dry food can and will wreak havoc upon their bodies. Dry food is full of inflammatory substances such as human grade cereal and other cleverly worded inflammatory substances. One very common inflammatory substance found in dry food is powdered cellulose. Marketing companies cleverly disguise this ingredient to sound like it’s healthy however what you’re actually feeding them is sawdust. Yes, powdered cellulose is actually sawdust! And you are feeding this to your beloved animal companions. As you may imagine, consuming sawdust every day can cause severe damage to the body. Inflammatory diseases such as allergies, yeast infections, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, IBS, diarrhea, constipation and many more horribly painful circumstances for your animal. It is ALWAYS important to read and research ingredients.

One incredibly noteworthy component of any mainly dry food diet is early stage organ failure. By feeding your animals dehydrated food every day, you are creating a serious imbalance in their digestive systems. When the gastrointestinal system tries to process the dry food through the digestive tract, it draws moisture from all of the major organs – including skin and coat on order to pass through the body. Because by definition, dry food is devoid of all moisture, the gastrointestinal system require moisture from somewhere in order to pass it through. Thus it takes moisture from all of the other organs to do so. This leaves your furry friends extremely dehydrated. After years and years of feeding them dry foods, their organs become so depleted of moisture that they fall into disrepair. Often this leads to early stage organ failure. And to think you could have added years to your animals’ lives with a simple diet change!

Particularly in male cats, dry food has been linked to bladder crystals, UTI’S and kidney dysfunction – including kidney stones. This is once again due to the gastrointestinal system drawing moisture from the bladder and kidneys in order to process the dry food through its system. This digestive process leaves the animals’ body and organs depleted of moisture which ultimately causes them to fail. The kidneys are responsible for removing toxins of the body, food water and air through the urine. If the kidneys fail, the body inevitably dies of toxicity.

With all of the confusing information out there, how do we protect our animals from all of these detrimental dry food related illnesses?

It is CRUCIAL that all cats eat a 90% grain free wet food diet in order to significantly lessen the possibility of the illnesses stated above. As far as digs are concerned, canned dog food is not at all ideal. All animals should be eating a SPECIES APPROPRIATE DIET. This means that for the healthiest results, both cats and dogs should be eating a diet that most closely resembles what their ancestors ate in the wild. For dogs this means either a raw food diet or as many whole foods as possible. Whole foods include cooked meats, poultry and fishes. To feed them a balanced diet it is IMPERATIVE to do your research about how to cook your dog a balanced meal. By only feeding meats you may be missing vital nutrients. There are many sources that outline how to cook your dog a balanced and nutritious meal that include all of the vital vitamins and minerals for your dog to live a long and healthy life.

As always, I will recommend thoroughly researching any diet that you wish to feed your animals. Read ingredients. Ask more than one trusted professional to obtain a full spectrum of information. Do not be fooled by the bright lights and colours of marketing schemes. Generally speaking, the healthiest brands are not advertised because their ingredients speak for themselves. Do not buy your cat and dog foods at a human grocery store. Go to a specialty store that focuses on companion animal foods and ask the staff about holistic nutrition. After all, wouldnt you agree that your companion animals deserve the very best life? Your animals would most certainly do the same for you!


 by soulsticespirit

Today, Saturday March 13th gives way to our next New Moon. Born in the sign of Pisces, this lunar period offers many gifts for those of us who are intuitive. New Moons are always considered an opportunity for renewal and rebirth. As with all New Moons, this is an excellent time to begin or continue to create your list of intentions. For as the moon waxes, so do the energies of your intentions. Be sure to take time out for yourself today and pen that list of desires you’re dreaming of to create your best life!

With both the sun and moon in the sign of Pisces, we must be cautious not to place too much emphasis on our thoughts and feelings. Because Pisces is the most ethereal sign of the zodiac, we will likely think and feel very deeply, travelling to the farthest reaches of our minds. The depth of our thoughts and feelings at this time can sometimes lead to irrational behaviour or off-balance decision making that we may regret later on. Should we feel impulsive regarding making changes in our personal or professional lives , it is best to wait until the New Moon in Pisces has passed through (Monday should be clear sailing!)

Oddly, for such an ethereal sign, Pisces does have a strong work ethic, particularly when left to her own devices. Thus, this lunar period is a great time to work on home renovations, journaling, yard work or any other type of solo physical endeavour. You are likely to find that your productivity level is elevated all weekend. Time to take advantage! To boot, while you are engaged in this type of work, you will likely find peace in occupying yourself with physcal tasks. This is because when your body is busy, your mind is preoccupied which allows your conscious mind to be free of all of the worries and fears it ordinarily runs through. In fact if you are able, spending as much time as you can engaged in physical tasks (anything from construction to journaling to sewing to cooking to laundry) you may find that the potential to worry yourself silly at this Mew Moon time just simply passes by without issue.

There may be a tendency at this time to “leap before you look” into new relationships. Be mindful that this is NOT a solid, grounded time to make any sound decisions, especially in love. This is a time to believe your instincts over the apparent facts. If something doesnt feel right in a new relationship, trust your gut. Do not ignore the red flags, they are there for a reason. It is much too easy to blindly believe someone’s words at this time. However if there is no follow through or back up to what you’re hearing from your new partner, pay attention! Pisces has us daydreaming the day away in love. While this is a pleasant experience in itself, it could spell disaster later on if you’re not paying attention.

Pisces, ruled by the planet Neptune, is associated with the higher dimensions and realms of spirituality. For those of us who are spiritually sensitive, this is the perfect time to delve into our own spiritual journeys. We will likely have an easier time than usual accessing important information from our subconscious. We may even find that while journaling or meditating we have flashes of past lives! If this type of work interests you, be sure to take the time to set the intention to be able to see more deeply into your subconscious for the purpose of self healing. It’s truly miraculous how much Spirit wishes to help us in this way. Any aspect of our self healing journey is a tandem effort between ourselves and beings of Spirit of higher vibration. Thus, by enlisting their help in our attempts to heal, we are surely already making progress!

With both the Sun and Moon in the sign of Pisces, the sign of the fish, there may he a tendency to “flounder” with respect to both minor decisions and major life choices. We may spend our time going in one direction only to find that we must double back because we have changed our minds. It is best to recognize that this lunar period may have us swinging from one decision to another- and back again. Therefore, instead or making flash-in-the pan decisions that could leave is with regret, it is best to wait until next week to make any decisions that will work for us in the long run.

As a result of this pull from one decision to another, we may become easily frustrated with ourselves and others. We may have a tendency to become too emotionally and mentally invested in our thoughts and feelings at this time. Which , because of the constant mind changing, can lead to burn-out. It is in our best interest to allow our conscious minds to be free to do what they will, yet to rise above our thoughts and feelings at this time. In fact, by rising above our mind changing tendencies, let us become a silent observer of our thoughts and feelings. In fact, by becoming the silent observer, we may even find humour in observing our minds flounder from one extreme to another. This is to say, let your mind go where it will; taking a step back and detaching from the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. By observing these thoughts and feelings through your higher mind (higher consciousness), you will be able to rise above any potential for inner conflict and frustration. By disengaging with yourself in this way, you will be free to find inner harmony. Most applicable here is Buddha’s adage; “rule your mind or it will rule you”.

However you decide to spend this New Moon weekend, be sure to take time for yourself to process, meditate and be grateful for all of the bleasings that have come your way. For this vibration of gratitude is sure to bring more. Blessings your way!



Today, Saturday March 13th gives way to our next New Moon. Born in the sign of Pisces, this lunar period offers many gifts for those of us who are intuitive. New Moons are always considered an opportunity for renewal and rebirth. As with all New Moons, this is an excellent time to begin or continue to create your list of intentions. For as the moon waxes, so do the energies of your intentions. Be sure to take time out for yourself today and pen that list of desires you’re dreaming of to create your best life!

With both the sun and moon in the sign of Pisces, we must be cautious not to place too much emphasis on our thoughts and feelings. Because Pisces is the most ethereal sign of the zodiac, we will likely think and feel very deeply, travelling to the farthest reaches of our minds. The depth of our thoughts and feelings at this time can sometimes lead to irrational behaviour or off-balance decision making that we may regret later on. Should we feel impulsive regarding making changes in our personal or professional lives , it is best to wait until the New Moon in Pisces has passed through (Monday should be clear sailing!)

Oddly, for such an ethereal sign, Pisces does have a strong work ethic, particularly when left to her own devices. Thus, this lunar period is a great time to work on home renovations, journaling, yard work or any other type of solo physical endeavour. You are likely to find that your productivity level is elevated all weekend. Time to take advantage! To boot, while you are engaged in this type of work, you will likely find peace in occupying yourself with physcal tasks. This is because when your body is busy, your mind is preoccupied which allows your conscious mind to be free of all of the worries and fears it ordinarily runs through. In fact if you are able, spending as much time as you can engaged in physical tasks (anything from construction to journaling to sewing to cooking to laundry) you may find that the potential to worry yourself silly at this Mew Moon time just simply passes by without issue.

There may be a tendency at this time to “leap before you look” into new relationships. Be mindful that this is NOT a solid, grounded time to make any sound decisions, especially in love. This is a time to believe your instincts over the apparent facts. If something doesnt feel right in a new relationship, trust your gut. Do not ignore the red flags, they are there for a reason. It is much too easy to blindly believe someone’s words at this time. However if there is no follow through or back up to what you’re hearing from your new partner, pay attention! Pisces has us daydreaming the day away in love. While this is a pleasant experience in itself, it could spell disaster later on if you’re not paying attention.

Pisces, ruled by the planet Neptune, is associated with the higher dimensions and realms of spirituality. For those of us who are spiritually sensitive, this is the perfect time to delve into our own spiritual journeys. We will likely have an easier time than usual accessing important information from our subconscious. We may even find that while journaling or meditating we have flashes of past lives! If this type of work interests you, be sure to take the time to set the intention to be able to see more deeply into your subconscious for the purpose of self healing. It’s truly miraculous how much Spirit wishes to help us in this way. Any aspect of our self healing journey is a tandem effort between ourselves and beings of Spirit of higher vibration. Thus, by enlisting their help in our attempts to heal, we are surely already making progress!

With both the Sun and Moon in the sign of Pisces, the sign of the fish, there may he a tendency to “flounder” with respect to both minor decisions and major life choices. We may spend our time going in one direction only to find that we must double back because we have changed our minds. It is best to recognize that this lunar period may have us swinging from one decision to another- and back again. Therefore, instead or making flash-in-the pan decisions that could leave is with regret, it is best to wait until next week to make any decisions that will work for us in the long run.

As a result of this pull from one decision to another, we may become easily frustrated with ourselves and others. We may have a tendency to become too emotionally and mentally invested in our thoughts and feelings at this time. Which , because of the constant mind changing, can lead to burn-out. It is in our best interest to allow our conscious minds to be free to do what they will, yet to rise above our thoughts and feelings at this time. In fact, by rising above our mind changing tendencies, let us become a silent observer of our thoughts and feelings. In fact, by becoming the silent observer, we may even find humour in observing our minds flounder from one extreme to another. This is to say, let your mind go where it will; taking a step back and detaching from the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. By observing these thoughts and feelings through your higher mind (higher consciousness), you will be able to rise above any potential for inner conflict and frustration. By disengaging with yourself in this way, you will be free to find inner harmony. Most applicable here is Buddha’s adage; “rule your mind or it will rule you”.

However you decide to spend this New Moon weekend, be sure to take time for yourself to process, meditate and be grateful for all of the bleasings that have come your way. For this vibration of gratitude is sure to bring more. Blessings your way!




Peaking today, Saturday, the 27th of February, this month’s Full Moon in Virgo comes at the perfect time. With the closing out of Mercury’s hectic retrograde and the Sun’s entry into Pisces just one week prior, this Full Moon is a welcome beacon of peace.

Ruled by the planet Mercury, Virgo emphasizes communication. We will likely feel drawn to socializing, writing or any task that allows us to creatively “get the word out”. For those who are stuck at home and have wanted to persue a career in writing; books, blogs and articles this is the perfect time to let loose and let your creativity flow! As with all creative endeavours remember that true success comes from creating for the sake of creating and not for the sake of seeking validation from others. Virgo often has a constant need for validation within business, familial and romantic partnerships. Be mindful that any creative efforts you put forth within the scape or writing or any other venture be done from the authentic heart, free of the desire of fulfillment from the validation of external influences.

By the light of this Full Moon in Virgo, there is also major emphasis on partnerships; particularly romantic. Virgos often give relentlessly within their relationships and expect their partners to reciprocate. However, this may not always be the case. Giving itself is an act of kindness. However when we attach expectation to the gift, we are doing ourselves a disservice. Giving, free of expectation is the highest form of generosity and kindness. After all, when we release expectation from any experience, we let go of any potential for disappointment.

An Earth sign, Virgo can be quite grounded. For those of us feeling chaotic or overwhelmed, this full moon allows us an opportunity to relocate our footing. As it is a Earthly sign, this lunar period is an excellent time to make extra time to head outdoors into nature and commune with the beauty of our Earth. Partaking in grounding meditations within nature can be very refreshing and restorative to our energies. This full month’s light is especially powerful in terms of generating restoration of our energies through Mother Earth’s harmonic vibrations.

Alternatively, for those sensitive souls, the Virgo Full Moon can bring out our highly self-critical sides. Notoriously meticulous, Virgo people are often come down very hard on themselves for any aspect of their lives which seem to be imperfect. Yes, Virgos have perfectionism in their blood. Because we are all privy to the Virgo energy at this time, we may too, feel the need to chase after unattainable perfection. Unfortunately, the juxtaposition between the Virgo Moon and the Pisces Sun can create an atmosphere wherein we can get quite carried away with our self-critical thinking. Because Pisces warrants an ethereal energy, it will be easy for us to get lost in self doubt. We may even find that we seem to be backtracking in areas where we believe we have already grown and healed from.

Should we find ourselves amidst this downward climb, let us be aware that we have the power to change our tune at any given moment. Simply by making a concerted effort to stop and realize that our thought train is bringing us down and further away from our goal of self love, we are able to slowly turn our thoughts around. We can also acknowledge that any emotional, spiritual and mental discomfort will pass. Opening a dialogue withboursleves about our feelings will allow us to move through them in a healthier more rational way.

Due to the meticulously organized nature of Virgo, this lunar period is an opportune time to clean house. Both physically and metaphorically, this Full Moon highlights decluttering of the mind and surroundings. By ridding our environments of that which we no longer need, we gain a deeper clarity into what thereafter remains, also making room for the new and wonderful future ahead.

At this time, a deep reflection and restructuring is needed. There has undoubtedly been an air of fog lingering about which may have caused confusion and disorientation with our goals and plans. As a result of Virgo’s Earthly nature, this lunar period is an ideal time to begin an updated task list regarding how to prioritize and achieve your goals. There is, along with this Full Moon, a tremendous amount of loving, positive energy associated with dreams, aspirations and goals. However, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. -Antione De Sainte-Exupery. Take the time this weekend to create a logical, comprehensive plan to achieve those long standing goals!

Regardless of your Zodiac sign or level of sensitivity, take this Full Moon in Virgo for how it can help you to heal. Allow yourself to become entwined with its grounding vibrations. Let your feet root into the ground and let Mother Earth take all of your pain away simply by returning to you a balanced, solid footing. Allow yourself to align with a new level of freedom that casts away the suffering of the past and welcomes in a new and magnificent dawn. This moon surely signifies a beautiful picture of greatness to come on a personal and public level!




Arriving on Thursday, February 11th, this year’s New Moon in Aquarius offers many lessons. Each new moon lends us the opportunity to begin anew. With the birth of the moon and its growth, we have another chance to plant our seeds and watch them grow.

Especially regarding relationships, this New Moon’s placement just before Valentine’s Day can have us in serious reflection mode. This new moon presents us with the potential to either make or break our relationships. Whether we subscribe to the Valentine’s Day mentalities or not, this new moon focuses on our relationships. It focuses on attachment, detachment and all of the life lessons in between.

Should we find ourselves in romantic partnerships, our New Moon in Aquarius will highlight where our feelings within our relationships maybe out of balance. This is a time when we may be called to take a step back and weigh our priorities within our relationships. Romantic or platonic, this new moon will illuminate the imbalances in our relationships. It will show us whether we are being taken advantage of or whether we are asking too much of our friends and partners .

Thanks to the emotionally detached nature of the Aquarian, we will easily be able to step back and take an objective view of our relationships as well as our roles in our relationships. When we embody the Aquarian energy, we will find it easier to be confronted with challenging emotional situations and work through them rationally and with a sounder mind. This blessing will therefore allow us to contemplate what we accept within our relationships and what we no longer do. As a result of this shift in personal power, we can begin to contemplate of what we wish to rid our relationships and our lives by the light of the next full Moon in two weeks time.

Perhaps of greater importance than the analysis of our relationships with others is your relationship with ourselves. This most important relationship will also be highlighted at this time. Drawing once more on the Aquarian nature of detachment, we can begin to objectively see how we relate to ourselves. If we are practiced, we will be able to see what areas of our relationships with ourselves need work. How do we speak to ourselves? Are we cruel or kind? Now is the time to listen to our self talk and to remember that how we treat others is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. Kindness is everything.

This new moon has the power potential to remind us that our relationship with ourselves is equally, if not more important than our relationships with others. The energy of this lunar period could push us to realize that we are worth more than we are being treated in our romantic partnerships and could compel us to begin the steps to walk away. Conversely, it could compel us to recognize that we are treating others unfairly and that this is merely a reflection of how we treat ourselves and that it’s time for a change. Either way, at this time, it is important to acknowledge our desire for solitude and self growth.

Wth both the sun and moon in the sign of Aquarius at this time, we have a strong Uranian influence parading itself in our atmosphere. At this time, we can expect Uranus to shake things up in a sudden and unexpected way. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus which means that we can expect sudden and strong change at any time during this lunar period. Because of this new moon’s focus on relationships, this sudden and unexpected change will likely be relative to a relationship; romantic, platonic or with self. This unexpected change may come in the form of brand new game changing information, self-realized epiphany or any other show stopping moment. The bottom line is: be prepared for anything.

Though we may have a few changes on the horizon due to the Uranian influence, its crucial at this time to draw on the Aquarian air of detachment from these changes. As Buddha said, “attachment is the root of all suffering”. When we become attached to people and circumstances the way they are we are bound for devastation as nothing, ever, is permanent. The only constant is change. When we understand the impermanence of experiences, circumstances and life on Earth, we will more easily detach from them. When we do detach, as these circumstances shift, we will be more easily inclined to let them do so with a greater sense of inner peace.




Extreme cold, dry, damp and hot temperatures all contribute to dry, flaky skin and a dry lacklustre coat. A dull and dry exterior can mean a lot more than just its standalone appearance. There are numerous reasons why our animals may not be sporting a healthy coat and skin; all of them health-related and bear closer examination. Below are six main tips to follow to bring back the balance, health and shine to the skins and coats of your animal family members:

1) CUT DOWN ON DRY FOOD– or better yet, eliminate it altogether! Dry food should not be marketed as food. Devoid of moisture, dry food, AKA kibble, is one of the most dangerous foods to feed our cats and dogs. Why? Because dry food is dehydrated food. This means it has a zero hydration factor. This means that in order for the digestive systems of our animals to properly process dry food through their gastrointestinal tracts, it must suck all of the moisture from their vital organs. When the dry food gets processed through the GI system, it requires moisture to pass through the stomach and into the intestines to be eliminated. This, unfortunately is a common component of early stage organ failure. Severe dehydration of the organs has very often been linked to a mostly dry food diet. In addition, severely adverse health risks have been linked to dry food such as arthritis, IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney disease and failure, as well as many types of cancers. When it comes to the body’s major organs, skin is the biggest organ of all! To keep that skin, coat and body nourished, be sure to supply your animals with ample wet food !

2) ADD MOISTURE AND EFA’S! Due to the pressures that processed cat and dog food companies impose on consumers to purchase malnourished foods such as dry food, our animals can become very easily depleted of moisture. They can exhibit symptoms such as dry, flaky skin, excessive itching, hot spots (red, irritated patches of skin) and more. In fact, “hot spots” are usually a sign that your dog is dehydrated and very warm internally. This can be an early sign of troublesome inner organ health imbalances and should be looked at by a holistic vet. This is often a sign that moisture is not being evenly distributed within the body and it is direly affecting the skin. By adding wet foods (mostly for cats), we are hydrating the skin and coat as well as the aforementioned vital inner organs, thereby promoting longevity and better quality of life. Unless your cat is eating mice and rabbits, he or she is likely going to run into serious health issues without a wet food dietary component. Indoor cats should be eating a mostly (90%) wet food diet! However, some cats can be intolerant to wet food, and many dog food brands of wet food leave much nutrition to be desired. This is where EFA’s come in. Essential Fatty Acids are a companion animal’s dietary best friend.
Most people are under the impression that water alone can hydrate our furry friends. Particularly when it comes to dry food, this impression is false. Water does NOT adequately hydrate our animals! In fact it goes right through their bodies into their kidneys and into their urine without being properly retained as moisture throughout their bodies. Of course water is extremely important to cleanse the kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for processing bodily toxins from food, water and environment and passing them out of the body through urine. The combination of water and EFA’s will both cleanse the kidneys and help to retain moisture within them so they are replenished and healthy. Several common sources of EFA’S for animals are Omegas 3 & 6. They can be easily found in wild salmon oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, CBD oil and various others. EFA’S can help to prevent or lessen the impact of arthritis and other mobility issues. They can help to keep those kidneys and vital organs moisturized and replenished to prevent early stage organ failure. The coat and skin of an animal can often be related to the health of their immune system. If the immune system is properly functioning, the organs (including skin!) And coat have a better opportunity to function optimally. In many cases EFA’s can help to boost the immune system thereby allowing the skin and coat to be moisturized and shiny. All in all, EFAs can absolutely facilitate a healthy skin and shiny coat! **Please see a holistic animal care practitioner before you add any new supplement to your animal’s diet.

3) ADD MORE WHOLE, SPECIES APPROPRIATE FOODS- just as it is for humans, eating whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to achieve healthy skin and hair. Unfortunately, no matter how high quality, any store-bought commercial cat and dog food can be loaded with preservatives and fillers. These preservatives and fillers can greatly inhibit their digestion and distribution of vital vitamins and minerals that are responsible for keeping the coat and skin healthy and shiny. By feeding them a species appropriate diet such as beef, fish, poultry or venison, we are vastly upping the levels of natural EFA’S in their diets as well as providing them with from-the-source, preservative free proteins, vitamins and minerals.

4) ADD DIGESTIVE ENZYMES AND/OR PROBIOTICS- Just as it is for humans, an animal’s gut health has much to do with healthy skin and coat. Often, when fed processed foods, unhealthy human foods and other inappropriate snacks, their sensitive digestive systems can he thrown out of whack. As a result, their gut health can become unstable, rendering inconsistent nutrient distribution to skin and coat. Many animals suffer from constipation, diarrhea, IBS, regular vomiting or a combination of more than one of these. By adding digestive enzymes and/or probiotics to their regimen, our animals will have a healthier gut, healthier bodily function and a healthier skin and shiny coat!
Do you know the difference between enzymes and probiotics? Find out here: ENZYMES OR PROBIOTICS? WHICH ONE IS BEST FOR MY ANIMAL? – SOULSTICE SPIRIT

5) MINIMIZE PRESRVATIVES AND FILLERS– As mentioned earlier, all store bought processed foods contain some degree of preservatives and fillers. Particularly for animals with sensitive digestive systems, these non-food ingredients can inhibit healthy skin and hair growth. Ingredients such as:
corn gluten which was primarily used as weed killer by farmers on their crops
powdered cellulose which is quite literally sawdust
-brewers rice which is the jagged edges of the rice that fall to the floor in the rice processing plant that can wreak havoc and get stuck in the GI system, causing inflammation of the intestines
BHA & BHT- Known carcinogens to cause cancer and are still present in many store bought dog foods
These are four of many common, questionable ingredients that can contribute to poor bodily health; including skin and coat.
By feeding your animals preservatives and fillers, their digestion and distribution of nutrients to the necessary areas of the body becomes inhibited. When this happens, the coat and skin of the body become affected. Sadly, often accompanied by ingestion of the above ingredients, our animals suffer terrible tummy aches. Eventually with prolonged exposure to these substances, our animals can develop other seriously adverse health problems. It is always best to read labels and research ingredients from reliable sources in order to ensure that you are feeding as natural and whole of a diet as possible.

6) BRUSH/GROOM/BATHE REGULARLY- Whereas most coat and skin health originates in their diet, it is crucial to brush their coat to eliminate dead or dying hair, old skin and other environmental toxins that build up. By regularly brushing out the old, shedding coat, you are leaving room for a lustrous, new coat! As with all living beings, washing the body; coat and skin, also ensures the cleansing of toxins and old skin and hair. Fortunately for us cat people, our kitty friends will groom themselves. that said, if you notice that your cat is not grooming herself regularly or is excessively grooming, seek immediate veterinary attention as this is often a sign of a very serious underlying health issue.

The above are just six of many reasons why your animal may have an unhealthy looking skin and coat. If you have eliminated the above six reasons from your list as possibilities and are still looking at a roughz dry coat on your furry friend, it may bea sign of an inner organ imbalance or other serious health concern. Please be aware that dry, flaky, hot skin and a matte,dewy coat could be symptoms of a poor internal health issue that requires medical attention. Other than lack of grooming, any skin and fur health imbalances work their way from the inside out. If the skin and fur/hair of your animal companion is dull and dry, it may be time to seek medical attention. Though this may be something as simple as an allergy, it could also be something far more serious. Whether a simple or complex issue, it is ALWAYS best to seek out the professional opinion of a veterinarian; preferable a holistic one. Holistic veterinarians have a far greater spectrum of knowledge, diagnoses and non invasive treatments that can treat the root cause of the issueinsteae of just the symptoms that western veterinarians often do. PLEASE NOTE: IF your animal as an unexplained greasy, oily skin or coat, he or she may need immediate veterinary attention as this could be a symptom of a serious underlying organ health issue.




Our first Full Moon of 2021 starts our new year off with a bang! True to its Zodiac sign, Our Full Moon in Leo promises to be one full of passion and promise.

Today, January 28th, 2021 illuminates not only our first full moon, but also the second to last full moon in the zodiac cycle. With our sun in Aquarius, we have just one more sun sign after this one until the culmination of our current zodiac cycle which occurs in the sign of Pisces. Thus, we have one final full Moon at the end of February before we begin the zodiac anew. This near-culmination may seem highly chaotic as there is a tremendous amount of energetic shifting and flexing occurring around and within us. Should we fall prey to the chaos, let us harness the energy of our Sun’s placement in Aquarius; the zodiac sign of emotional detachment. Contrary to Leo’s strong emotional roots, its opposing sign, Aquarius, does just the opposite. Aquarius has an overall theme of acknowledgment of his emotions, however not becoming engaged with them. Let us, on this occasion, take guidance from Aquarius and step back from our chaos and know that it, too shall pass.

As a result, this Full Moon may seem as if we are working toward a cessation of sorts. We may feel as though a project or initiative that we have been focused on; personal and/or professional, is nearing completion. Thankfully, due to the fiery, passionate nature of our fire moon in Leo, this is a most excellent time to proceed full speed ahead with any and all endeavours that inspire us. Just when we feel exhausted and burned out, the energy of this Full Moon in Leo will light that fire under us and carry us forward to the finish line.

As with all full moons, this one is a time to focus on releasing. As the moon waxes full in the night sky, so do our intentions. Yet in order for our intentions to fully awaken to us, we must make room for them by releasing all that no longer serves our highest good. We must release all that is no longer in alignment with what we seek to achieve as spiritual beings on the paths of spiritual warriors. This is truly the time to let go of any remaining pain and lower vibration energies that may be lingering from years past.

Largely affecting the fire signs of the zodiac; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, this full moon has a massive creative potential. For those of us who consider ourselves to be creative, this is a time for us to shine! However, let us be mindful that along with the creative, impassioned energy of a fire sign comes the possibility of stubborn, headstrong, “my way of the highway” attitude. For fire signs as well as the rest of us, we may want to adopt a “check yourself before you wreck yourself” mantra at this time. Be sure that before you react to any situation that you stop and count to five before you respond with words you can’t take back.

Paradoxically, though this lunar period is a time to release, because our sun is in alignment with Jupiter at this time, we may feel overwhelmed with love and excitement! Instead of feeling the necessity to let go of aspects of our lives that we no longer need, our sun’s alignment with Jupiter is a time where we may feel inclined to expand our talents and abilities. We may feel the desire to hold onto all that we have and to make it bigger, larger than life. While this underlying desire for “more” may be prevalent at this time, we must remain diligent and decluttering our minds and physical spaces. If we are torn between what to keep and what to disregard, we can safely rest on the laurels of the bigger picture. As Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, we can attribute its characteristic to our own spectrum of vision. Let us remove our minds from the desire to hold onto what we no longer need and shift it toward the bigger picture.

Jupiter’s alignment with our Sun is considered to be a highly auspicious alignment. As this alignment occurs simultaneously with our Full Moon in Leo, this celestial alignment is an ideal occasion to pour ourselves into both personal and professional tasks as the harder we work on ourselves and our journeys to self mastery, the sooner we will find the peace and prosperity we seek.




This coming Tuesday, January 12th, is the first new moon of 2021. As such we as individuals as well as collectively have a golden opportunity to manifest a brand new beginning for ourselves and our collective consciousness. Every new moon that graces our skies carries with it the potential for a new and improved state of existence.

This week’s New Moon lies in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. With both the sun and the moon in the Earth Sign of Capricorn, we have a powerful energy with which to set the wheels in motion for a brighter future for ourselves, humanity and all other voiceless beings on our planet. Because of the highly Earthly nature of this lunar period, we are readily able to draw on the grounded energy in order to begin this process. At this time, make space for yourself to meditate on not only your heart’s desires but also to bring forth compassion and unconditional love for all those with whom we share our home; including our living, breathing Earth herself. Because of Capricorn’s Earth energy, this lunar period is an excellent time to not only draw on her grounding energy but also to give back to our Mother Earth in gratitude for all that she shares with us at every moment. Give back to her the loving and nurturing energy that she bestows upon us. She selflessly gives. It is important at this time to learn from her and all other species with whom we share her. May they inspire us to live akin to them, to give relentlessly without attachment to the outcome. To give for the sake of wishing for the well being of all others.

For those who wish to start this new year with a proper method of manifesting, below is a step by step guide to manifesting an creating the life we all deserve. As important as it is to understand the accurate way to create your dream life, we must also be aware that the more we are in alignment with and manifest love and peace on a grander scale, the more we raise not only our own vibration but also the vibration of our planet. There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life for yourself! The instructions below are exactly how to do that. With that, if you do feel so inclined to tap into the collective consciousness and manifest love on a larger scale, the same directions apply; as long as you feel and write your words with confidence and conviction!

This new moon is an ideal opportunity to step outside of ourselves and to recognize that our neighbors; animals, people, birds, fish, bugs, trees, and all other life forms in our Universe are part of a great whole. It is a time to step up and to realize tat approaching persona harmony is lesser about our own individual material happiness, but about seeking to realize contentment in our Earthly community along with all of its members. Seeking contentment is lesser about an individualistic approach and more so about selflessly raising the vibration of our planet, thereby connecting each of its inhabitants together for a greater good.


A life beyond your wildest dreams is within your grasp! To most, this seems unlikely, illogical or ridiculous. What if, for a moment, you could transcend “logic”? What if you could go outside of it to see that what you thought to be so concrete was really just something somebody once told you and you adopted it as your own belief? What if you realized that you were the sum and parts of your own limitations?

It stands to reason that most of what we believe is what was put into our heads by external sources such as parents, society and environment throughout the course of our lives. In essence, we are a product of other people’s thoughts and ideas. What if we took a moment to let go of all of this and got in touch with who WE are? Who we are, as individuals, may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Our individual gifts, our individual truths all may have fallen by the wayside in an effort to survive in this society in this day and age.

What if you knew that there is an endless resource that anyone can tap into at any time in order to create anything they desired (as long as it HARMS NONE)? By taking a moment to examine the nature of our lives and the fabric of consciousness, we can truly realize that we are all co-creators in The Creator’s master plan. By taking a moment to acknowledge that every single one of us is created with a beautifully Divine spark, we can begin to realize our ceaseless connection to the Divine Source consciousness. And it is because of this connection that we will soon after be able to witness how beloved each of us is to The Divine.

The Divine Source wishes for us to succeed. The Divine Source wishes for us to live abundant, prosperous lives full of joy and harmony. Believe it or not, all we must do in order to become in alignment with this life is to ask for it.

Here are four tried, tested and true steps to manifesting our heart’s desires. If we stay rooted in these steps, we will be absolutely amazed and how quickly the magic begins to transpire!

1)      COMMIT TO YOURSELF AND YOUR DREAM- by taking steps each day to reaffirm our commitment to our dream, we are reinforcing the belief that it will happen. The Creator and our angels respond only to the vibrations we put out. This is why we always want to remain positive and act with love, especially toward ourselves. We want to use positive talk to ourselves, assuring ourselves that “we CAN do it” and that “we ARE succeeding”, etc. Committing to our dream can come in many forms. Some use a vision board, some write letters to their angels, many meditate. Because we are connecting with our higher selves during these activities, these are all forms of commitment to becoming in alignment with our dreams. It helps to write down exactly what we wish for. Because we think so many thoughts in one day, it can be tough for Spirit to decipher which thoughts we wish to focus on. By writing down exactly what we wish for, Spirit will know exactly what we want. Be aware that Spirit has quite a sense of humour! If we neglect to use precisely the words to articulate what we wish for, we may end up laughing, for the phrase “be careful what you wish for” shall loom. It is a good practice to get into writing our intentions on the new moon. This way, as the moon grows, so do our intentions.

2)      WRITING YOUR INTENTIONS- As mentioned above, in the process of creating our dreams, we must indicate exactly for what we wish. Because we think so many hundreds of thoughts throughout the day, we will want to make it easier for Spirit, our angels and The Divine Source to bring us what we ask for. This is done by writing down specific intentions for what we wish. Within the framework of writing these intentions, there are three guidelines that allow is to protect ourselves from any miscommunication with Spirit. Here are the three P’s of proper manifestation of intentions:
a) POSITIVE WORDS- you will want to ensure that you use positive words only when creating your list of intentions. This is because Spirit best responds to high vibration. Any negative word will only incur negative results. One popular example is; instead of writing the phrase “I Don’t smoke”, you will want to write “I am smoke free”, or “I quit smoking”.
b) PRESENT TENSE- you will want to be sure and create your intentions as if they are happening NOW. If we create intentions such as “I will quit smoking”, your intention is perpetually going to happen in the future, and it will never be happening now. If you use the phrase “I quit smoking”, this action and behavior is occurring right now. Because essentially, all that exists is right now , you are intending for your smoking to stop right now.
c) PERSONAL– because of the laws of karma (which is a whole other article unto itself), you will want to ensure that you only create intentions for yourself. You may NOT create intentions for anyone else. This is because ethically, you are not permitted to obstruct anyone else’s karma. For example, if a loved one is ill and you create an intention for them to get well, you may be interfering in their karma if they have attracted the karma to be ill. While it is a selfless gesture to use your healing power to help others in this respect, what may happen when we involve ourselves in other people’s karma is that we may end up taking the heat off of them and having to take their karma on ourselves. It is best, when wishing to intend something for another, to ask your angels and the angels of the other person involved , to help them to heal in the highest and best way possible. That way, you are releasing your desire to help them to the Divine, who can take care of it as The Divine Source sees fit.

3)      DO THE WORK- anyone who is on a spiritual path is aware of the significance of “doing the work”. It is one thing to become certified as a healer, however without the extensive practice of self-examination, we are not going to get anywhere. By working on ourselves, which can at times be extremely gruelling, we are progressing along our paths. By battling ourselves; our ego and our karma, we are coming one step closer to understanding the why’s and how’s of our existence. We are growing one step closer to fully coming into our Divinity. By coming fully into our Divinity, becoming enlightened, we are able to tap into the endless pool of creativity, manifested by The Creator. (Hence the name!) With this knowledge, we are also faced with responsibility. At the point at which we have done the work, we become aware of, and in alignment with our responsibility to create in the highest and best good of all involved.

4)      HAVE PATIENCE AND FAITH- Perhaps one of the most difficult lessons that we must learn in order to manifest our dreams is the lesson of patience. We must understand the nature of instant gratification versus Divine timing. Just because we “want something now!” does not mean that we get to decide when we are ready to receive it, or if we are to receive it at all! If it does not serve our greater good, or it impedes the life of another, it may not come into our lives. However, if what we are asking for is being requested out of love for ourselves and others involved, it is sure to come to us when the time is right. Part of manifesting, often the most important part, is having faith. We must BELIEVE that our dreams are coming true, and have faith that everything is happening as it should- even if we have yet to see any results. Divine timing is such that there is a multitude of occurrences going on behind the scenes that we do not see. There are a myriad of twists and turns that are taking place out of our line of vision in order for the details of our dreams to work out perfectly- when the time is right. Staying true to your faith in Spirit- AND yourself- is a sure fire way to help secure your dreams!

By following these four steps, you will soon start to notice subtle changes. Though some of the process can seem to go ever so slowly, if you stay on track and have patience, you will be living the life you dreamed of before you know it!




This coming Tuesday, December 29th marks this year’s final full moon. In conjunction with our past two weeks of brilliant celestial events, the final days of 2020 promise to go out with a bang! Carrying the impact of both the recent new moon in Sagittarius and last week’s Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, this full moon is a fitting end to a chaotic year.

As with all full moons, there is a theme of release. Creating a spiritual practice around the lunar cycle is a wonderful way to unite with both our innermost selves as well as the spirits of nature. While the moon is new, we can create a list of intentions. And, as the moon grows into its fullness, so do our intentions. On the date of the full moon, traditionally we create a list of that which we wish to let go. Once said list has been created, we are ready to ceremoniously release it into the atmosphere. The most common ways to release our list are to either bury it or burn it. By taking one of these actions, we are sending a message to the Universe that we are ready to bid farewell to the old, and ready to create a new and clean space for the new and wonderful gifts that come our way.

As with all full moons, this is a time to take stock of what is working in our lives as well as what is no longer. This is a time to consciously release all that holds us back; that no longer serves our highest good. With this past year having been painfully wrought with challenges and hurdles for every human who walks our Earth, many lessons have been learned. Despite its devastating immobilization of humanity, this year has been undoubtedly full of growth, perspective and layers shed. Throughout these dramatic personal and global shifts, we have experienced a by-product. We have witnessed ourselves shedding the layers of that which is no longer in alignment with our authentic selves. Though we may not have realized it, this was a blessing in disguise. As such, this full Moon in Cancer is time to fully let go of the remainder of these corollaries. This full moon is a time to release all of the pain and suffering that we have endured this last year once and for all in order to create a new and peaceful space for the bright future that is birthing on the horizon.

Backtracking slightly, we have recently witnessed “The Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn. While a magnificent spectacle in the night sky for several nights this past week, those of us who are sensitive would have undoubtedly felt its tug of war. Jupiter being the planet of intellectual expansion, healing, long distance travel, overindulgence and miracles conjunct with Saturn whose properties are structure, function, grounding, logic, responsibility and discipline, we sensitive people would have been highly uncomfortable. Bouncing between free-thinking, creative space and convincing ourselves that our dreams and goals are illogical would have had us constantly at odds with ourselves or with others who attempted to debate us. Particularly as we are in the throes of the second wave of the Coronavirus, our Jupitarian desire to travel abroad or to visit with family and friends over the holidays would have come to a screeching halt with the inane structures that have recently been cast upon us.

In tandem with this week’s Full Moon in Cancer, the Great Conjunction may cause discomfort in the home. As the astrological sign of cancer focuses on the hearth and home, we will find ourselves very aware of our feelings about our family members and or home itself. We will very quickly realize what must be freed from our surroundings. We may experience a desire to run away from our problems, to be free instead of to face them head on. We may become easily irritated by miniscule aspects of the personalities of our family members that hadn’t ever bothered us before. We may become easily irritated with clutter, smell or even having to share space with anyone at all. Conversely, should we be living alone in isolation, the Full Moon in Cancer may reinforce the fact that we are alone. Because Cancer is the maternal, nurturing, emotional sign of the zodiac, should we find ourselves without anyone to nurture at this time, we may feel temporarily out of place and gloomy. Ordinarily either of these scenarios would be unpleasant. However, once we stir in the energy of the Great Conjunction- whose energy is still residually present- we can run into an extra layer of aggravation. We may find ourselves at battle with ourselves or with others in our home over the precedence of free thinking and creation versus logic and discipline.

When Cancer, a water sign, astrologically arises, we can expect to be in touch with our feelings. Because of the vastly hectic year that was 2020, during this particular Full Moon in Cancer, we can expect that the deepest layers of our emotions that have been bubbling beneath the surface are sure to come out. At first glance, this may sound intense and unpleasant. However upon closer inspection we may find that this emotional release is cathartic, therapeutic and liberating. Though we may not have control over the emotional release itself, we do have a golden opportunity to harness these emotions and channel them into a creative venture. Whether we are writers, painters, dancers or artists, the emotions that are sure to come to the forefront during this lunar period can be a blessing.

This final full moon of 2020 invites us to take a serious look at the baggage that we have incurred this past year. It invites us to remember that we have the personal power to dig ourselves out of the mountain of weight that has been placed on our shoulders. This watery full moon in Cancer opens the floodgates and allows the weight of the world which we have been carrying to wash away.




As our second last full moon of 2020 waxes full in the night sky, we witness the bulk of our autumn season in hindsight. Our full moon in Gemini gives way to the beginning of eclipse season with its penumbral lunar eclipse. Though our gaze rests upon the majority of our perilous year in hindsight, eclipses often bring our awareness to the future.

Both the full moon and lunar eclipse mark an important opportunity to release. This year has been so trying for most of us. We have before us an opportunity to release the fear, oppression and the other lower vibrations that we have been carrying around with us for months. We have an opportunity to set the stage for a new beginning. As with all full moons, this is an occasion to reflect on what we need to release in order to streamline our lives to align with our Divine life purpose. Creating a list of that which we are ready to release is the first step to letting it go. Remember you must truly want to let it go. For if your list is created without the intention and meaning behind it, it will not be released. Ensure that your list is compiled of that which you are fully ready to let go. Once you have created this list (the list can be as long or short as you feel necessary), you may take action by the light of the full moon and burn it, bury it or sage it, tear it up and flush it. By doing one of these activities, or any activity that feels right to you, you are, along with the Universe acknowledging that you are letting go. Again, should you partake in this ritual, for it to work, it MUST be done with true intention behind your actions.

At 1:45 AM central time on November 30th, 2020, we witness our final penumbral eclipse. For those of us in  North America, South America, Australia and parts of Asia, we are able to view 82% of the moon’s shades of darkness as the moon eclipses the sun. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun Earth and Moon are exactly aligned, and the moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. This can only occur on a night of a full moon.

When the Sun, Earth and the Moon are aligned, we can celebrate the occasion to become in alignment with our shadow sides. As the Sun is our Light, the Moon is our shadow.  While they are in alignment, we come face to face with parts of ourselves that can stir discomfort with us. This is a natural reaction. Humans love to avoid pain at any cost. We love to procrastinate when it comes to doing the self work it takes to ascend. We love to avoid pain by shifting our focus away from it and not dealing with it head on at all. However at this juncture, instead of running away from our shadows, let us become one with them. Let us understand that without accepting our shadow parts, we are unable to fully and completely love ourselves. Let us find the humour and joyfulness in the aspects of our lives that make us feel uncomfortable. Let us realize that this is why we are here on Earth, to learn to love ourselves; shadow and Light.

As the moon waxes full in Gemini, we are reminded of options. We are reminded that we can co-create our futures. As intellectual Gemini reigns high, this full moon is the perfect space in which to contemplate what it is that we desire to create for ourselves. This is an excellent time to cast away self doubt and acknowledge that we are worthy of the limitless abundance that the Universe has to offer. However because of Gemini’s known inability go make a clear decision, it is best at this time to merely reflect and wait to take action. On the other hands this lunar period is an excellent time to recognize the areas of our lives are out of balance and/or out of alignment with our hopes and dreams. Thanks to intellectual Gemini, we are able to analyze and scrutinize our surroundings. With that said, with all of the analysis and scrutiny we may be facing, we may also risk over analysis of ourselves. This is a slippery slope. If we find, during our surveying of surroundings, that we begin to pick ourselves apart in the process, let us be mindful of it and turn it around immediately with waves and notions of self love and care.

Gemini is known for its duality. Again we witness the theme of shadow and Light. Gemini is the sign of twins Castor and Pollux; twin brothers in Greek and Roman mythology. Both twins were immortalized by Zeus, spending half of their time on Earth and the other half in the starry heavens. We can discern from their story our dual nature. The law of duality, the tenth Law of the Universe states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite within the whole. This is to say; though there are two sides to a coin, there is still only one coin. As Castor and Pollux spend half of their time on Earth and half in the heavens, we are reminded of the Divinity that exists both in the heavenly skies and here on Earth; as above, so below. Everything in the Universe, no matter how far reaching it seems, is interconnected, intertwined with all else that exists.

As Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury who stands for communication, this lunar period emphasizes interpersonal communication. This is a time to evaluate our beliefs and our needs through self acknowledgement. This full moon emphasizes how we communicate with ourselves. Do we speak kindly to ourselves? Or do we talk down to ourselves? This is the time to really pay attention to how we are self-communicating. Remember that how we treat others is a reflection of how we treat ourselves.

We always have work to do. This Full Moon/lunar eclipse highlights the areas in which we need improvement. We are granted the opportunity to delve into this work peacefully. That said, as important as it is to work on our journey to self mastery, so too is it to rest. Be sure, if you feel bogged down by the energy of this lunar alignment, that you take a time out. Be sure that you are giving yourself a break. You deserve to be honest with yourself at all times. You deserve a kind word, spoken to yourself. It is absolutely ok to rest. The more you take the time to honour your needs, the more resilient you become! °♡°♡°♡°♡°♡°♡°